Submission Form Guide

Events are submitted to a pending queue and require approval from a University event administrator. Before submitting, please search the calendar for a possible duplicate.

Use your University Net ID to sign into the platform.

screenshot of localist system

Once logged in, you will see the Submit an event button appear.

screenshot of localist system

Event Name

This will be displayed as the event’s name. Keep it short, as long titles will be truncated.


When the default status is changed, the status will be applied to the event’s title. For example, “CANCELED: Series Talk” Other options are: "Live: the default for all events." "Canceled" "Postponed" "Sold Out".


What’s compelling about your event? Write in sentences and paragraph form. Aim for no more than 160 to 250 words. Long descriptions will be lost on event-goers. Use the editing tools to create hyperlinks to faculty pages, abstracts, or other web pages.


Start Date (required): Enter the date of your event. If you have an all-day event, please add an estimated start and end time.

The following date format variations are accepted: 1/1, Jan 1, January 1 2021, 'tomorrow,' 'next Friday.'

As you work your way through the date and time fields, the summary will update and hit the “Add Above to Schedule,” to confirm each date and time. To edit each, a pen and trash bin will appear beside each date entry.

screenshot of localist system


Experience: The default is In-Person, but can be changed to Virtual or Hybrid to unlock virtual specific fields. Virtual fields include:

- Dial-in instruction: Paste the dial-in instructions

- Stream URL: Entering a URL will trigger a button to appear on your event’s page that will send the audience to the stream’s external page.

- Stream Embed Code: If your streaming service supports embedding videos to watch a stream directly on the event page, paste the code here.

Event Place: For in-person events, there is a directory of more than 60 locations to choose from on the platform. Start by typing the name of the place.

screenshot of localist system

Room: Add a room number only.

Address: If you add a custom place, the field will remain empty to provide the address.


Use the best image possible! The platform accepts JPEG, PNG, and GIF formats. Aim for a large, 940 pixels wide high-quality photo.

Adding a large horizontal photo gives you more cropping options.

If you don’t have a photo, choose a photo from the Photo Library or you can opt to rely on the Fallback photo from the Group or Place.

Provide a written description of the image so it provides textual access to visual content.


Select all that apply or event administrators may add to your submission. These filters provide users with search options. Event admins may identify and mark events for specific calendars around the University.

- Categories: a type of event, such as Lectures & Talks, Wellness & Fitness, or Arts & Culture.

- Audience: whom the event is geared towards, such as Students, Graduate Students, Staff, or the General Public.

- Group: the department (s) or group sponsoring or cosponsoring the event.


Provide information on how attendees may request accommodations.

Event Contact

Information for attendees in case of event inquiries. The preferred style is (xxx) xxx-xxxx.

Continuing Education Credits

The number of fulfilled education and credits the activities receives. Example: 1.5 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit.


Ticket Cost: Enter Free or leave blank and a Register button will be added to your event. Adding anything else will trigger a Buy Tickets button.

Ticket Link: Redirects users to any website of your choice so they can purchase tickets for your event.

Additional Details

Social Media and hashtags

When entered, the Localist platform will monitor mentions of the hashtag on Twitter and take mentions into consideration for its trending algorithm. Do not include the hashtag symbol as it will automatically be added; only one Hashtag per event.

Event Website

Any website URL can be entered here. A dedicated event website goes well here and can drive traffic to your own site

Submitting Your Event

screenshot of localist system

Once you hit the Submit Event button, you will see an Event Saved button.

screenshot of localist system

The event is saved in a Pending Queue where an admin will either approve, manage and edit your submission, or reject your submission based on the University guidelines for events. See About the Calendar for information.

The waiting time should not be any longer than 72 business hours.

You may edit the event, by logging back into the platform at and selecting Dashboard under your profile photo or the Rocky icon – where you’ll find your submissions.

Email with questions.